Thesis Projects
Thesis Projects by Year
Tourism and Sustainability
‘Sustainable Tourism’ is a concept that has been in practice for fifty years, yet tourism remains unsustainable. Tourism in its own right cannot be sustainable, instead it must be reconceptualized as a tool to improve the well-being of host communities and sustain destination regions. This thesis explores how we, as designers, can harness the possibilities of tourism to create true and lasting sustainability.
Possibilities of Historic Architecture
Old buildings are an integral part of America’s cities. They tell us about the history of place, where we came from, and what happened before we were here.
Constructing Experience through Atmosphere, Light and Color: Brew HUE, a Sensorial Progression
This thesis explores constructed experience through atmosphere, light and color. Research conducted includes a technical understanding of light and color perception, along with translucency and transparency as a method of veiling. A greenhouse, the selected site for this project, provides the stage for a sensorial progression highlighting mood and materiality. Inspired by Holi, brew HUE serves explosion of color, meditation on light, and quality seasonal micro-brews. An included sit down restaurant highlights the practicality of the greenhouse, encouraging patrons to dine among the hops used to brew their beer, which has been paired with seasonal cuisine.
Gentrification and The Takeover of The Low-Income Community
This thesis will inform viewers of the on-going issues with gentrification in the low-income community of Kensington, Philadelphia.