Biophilic Design: The Philosophy, Science, and Application of Inducing a Biophilic Effect in Built Environments

Gal Rappaport // Adviser: Nichole Mandjarov

Biophilic Design: The Philosophy, Science, and Application of Inducing a Biophilic Effect in Built Environments

Humans have an innate biological response to nature. Elements within nature have helped our species survive and evolve to where we are today. Our need to affiliate with nature is ingrained in our genetic makeup. Nature, being as complex as it is, is made up of more elements than we may initially realize. There are 26 elements in biophilia that have been studied and proven to create physical, psychological, and physiological responses for humans. In our modern world, humans spend over 90% of their lifetime indoors. The goal of my thesis project is to create an elegant model living environment that incorporates the 26 elements of biophilic design. More specifically, I would like to design a residence that brings the outdoors in to evoke our innate response to nature.


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